2015 m. gruodžio 7 d., pirmadienis


Training course in Limassol

Project “Coaching Young Entrepreneurs - Providing Support in Making the First Step" (FIRST STEP), funded by the EU through the ERASMUS+ programme, Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals (in the field of youth workers).

Unemployment is a major issue that Europe is confronting nowadays. Young entrepreneurs face great difficulties in starting their own business. It is not only the external environment that creates the chaos for young entrepreneurs but inner difficulties such lack of self-confidence, lack of skills, insufficient leadership capabilities and similar issues. One of the most important decisions for any entrepreneur is choosing what sort of business he or she wants so we will be looking at initial decisions that entrepreneurs need to look seriously at and trainers/coaches need to be attentive to. Moreover, for an entrepreneur, recognition and a sense of achievement are fundamental motivators, which have significant consequences in the way entrepreneurs approach and manage their businesses. In a similar way, entrepreneurs need to align their personal goals with their business goals and need to have important skills like motivating others. All these issues will be important in the training course.

The most important objective of the project "Coaching Young Entrepreneurs - Providing Support in Making the First Step" (FIRST STEP) is to provide non-formal training to youth workers in order to enhance their capacities and skills to be able to motivate youth in taking the initiative of starting its own business and making a positive transition to the work field.  The project addresses directly the issues of entrepreneurship, creativity and employability of young people in Europe and has a strong alignment with the objectives of the Erasmus Plus programme and its objectives. The "FIRST-STEP" project aims at promoting young people's commitment towards a more inclusive growth by helping youth workers to become more aware and be able to stimulate young people’s spirit of initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship and employability through the use of coaching tools and promotion of the entrepreneurial spirit.  The project is more specifically aiming at providing a training course which will provide an educational learning experience on the topic of providing coaching and support for young people wanting to become entrepreneurs and thus will improve participants ’competences, knowledge, skills and attitudes in coaching and counseling.

DOREA Educational Institute on 8-15 November 2015 invited 36 youth workers from 11 countries (Cyprus, Czech Republic, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, United Kingdom, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Kosovo) to take part in very interactive training course in Limassol. Youth workers and young entrepreneurs had a chance to engage in learning new tools of coaching, be inspired, challenge themselves by going outside the training room and in practice experience entrepreneurial spirit – to make those steps that really bring them to knowing better how to be an entrepreneur.

Here are some remarks from participants:

What was the biggest impact of training in your professional life?

Giulia (CESIE, Italy): In my personal professional experience, this training helped me to observe things in a different way: from a rational and economic point of view and what it’s necessary do to achieve a goal for example.

Attilio (CESIE, Italy): I think the biggest impact was the knowledge. Each moment of our professional life requires a solid background based on past experience tht is why I do not consider knowledge like a science related just to the studies but a mix of studies, challenges, team, network and so on.

Marios (DOREA, Cyprus): The biggest impact of the training in my professional life was the fact that I met people who worked in different fields but all of them had passion for what they were doing and it was inspiring to talk to them. Plus i learned very useful information about starting and running a business from some of the participants who were very experienced in this area. I still follow some of the participants and we still help and support each other moving towards our dreams.

How the training influenced your business ideas, future work plans?

Giulia (CESIE, Italy): The training encouraged me to implement and improve my own skills and ideas entrepreneural through explanations, attitudes, and comparisons of intercultural young people really motivated. So this type of comparison developed me positivity and optimism as well as  self- confidence.

Attilio (CESIE, Italy): I think the training strengthened my business ideas because it supported me with rationality, methodology and gave me some insights for my future steps.

Marios (DOREA, Cyprus): The training gave me a fresh perspective for my business ideas and the desire and knowledge to be more productive and more profitable by doing a business that i love.

What do you think how important for young people in general to take part in such Erasmus+ programmes?

Giulia (CESIE, Italy): According to me it’s very useful and important to take part in a such wonderful experience, because, it is really rewarding and gratifying; it’s really important also to compare own skills, culture, lifestyles, habits and customs with different people. You learn to speak, and in general to communicate in another language (generally English, but not always) you improve your capabilities to stay and work in a group, so you can see how get along with people from different countries. You can also study different subjects, and learn new things that can be useful for your personal growth or professional experience. And at the end it’s an amusing experience!

Attilio (CESIE, Italy): I think Erasmus+ programmes help to get some values such as team building, networking, rationality, challenges and a great experience with nice and professional trainers

Marios (DOREA, Cyprus): It's very important for people who are interested in entrepreneurship to take part in such Erasmus+ programs because it brings them in contact with like minded people willing to advice them and motivate them to achieve their full potential and realize their dreams.

Would you advice to take part in such activities for your country youth? How important it is for them considering their employment possibilities in your country?

Giulia (CESIE, Italy): Nothing in particular, as I said It’s very important to young people relate with their peers or more in general people who comes from different countries. To learn and to have a new specific knowledge in the field of Entrepreneurship enhance the possibility of a settled employment. 

Attilio (CESIE, Italy): Yes ! Traditionally Italians are business oriented people so I strongly suggest to Italian youth to participate in order to learn how to manage future steps. 

Marios (DOREA, Cyprus): I would suggest that unemployed or even employed Cypriot youth takes part in similar training because this could make them realize, as i did during the training, that money are all around us. Just solve a problem, benefit some people and success will come. You don't need to wait to be hired by someone. If you have a passion, just strive for it.

Any advice?
Giulia (CESIE, Italy): Be yourself, don’t be shy, speak speak speak even if you make mistakes!

Marios (DOREA, Cyprus): My advice is to never let an obstacle or a failure stop you from achieving success. Just learn from your failures and move on to success. Plus, surround yourself with like-minded people - something that trainings can help you accomplish.

Team from Belarus – Luba, Dennis and Anna - (Start Up Women) shares more of their experience of training course: http://startupwomen.by/first-step-our-expirience/

Dennis was one of the winners of Social media competition by sharing his photo on Facebook from the exercise they had to do – mix teams going in the streets and earning 15 Eur from scratch. Most of the teams did amazing job. One group brought even 30 Eur of profit. So all the FIRST STEPers had to challenge themselves, being creative, fast, interactive and creating strong teams – experiencing entrepreneurial spirit from its roots.

To get to know more about all the participants see previous posts of this blog.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.

2015 m. lapkričio 4 d., trečiadienis

Project partners: EUROCIVIS (Spain)


EUROCIVIS a private organization based in Barcelona, Spain. EUROCIVIS is not-for-profit organization, which aims to perform activities with a significant impact at the European level.

All its actions seek to support, offer expertise and provide solutions to main stakeholders in applying European policies, while supplying high quality services. EUROCIVIS has a long experience in European programs and actions, also disposes a strong network of collaborators like universities, schools, associations and other non-profit entities. This allows to offer a high quality support in projects and activities related to European policies. Furthermore, as a host/intermediary institution, EUROCIVIS provides work placements in partner companies, labour market oriented training in vocational schools and study visits for people in the labour market. EUROCIVIS’ principle objective is meet our beneficiaries’ needs and keep our promises regarding schedule, discipline and high quality.

For more information about the organization, click here: www.eurocivis.eu or here: https://www.facebook.com/javier.zapata.1238/?fref=ts


Bruno Pascal di Landro

Age: 31

Country: Spain

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
My principal goal is to learn the basic techniques in startup and to apply them for my own project.

What are Your expectations for the training course?
To have to possibility to acquire skills and knowledge from the different days of course. Also improve my capacities in building a Business Plan. 

What superpower would You like to have?
The ability to travel time!

Life motto:
Carpe Diem.

Lucia Mantovani

Age: 25

Country: Italy

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
I decided to participate in this project for many reasons. First of all, this project will allow me to meet new people and test myself in a new, multicultural context. Moreover, it will be a chance to get out of my comfort zone, in a country I’ve never visited before, and to check whether I’d have to redefine my own ambitions at the end of this experience. Finally, I’m interested in this project because I think its goals are concrete and concern me personally as young European citizen and potential entrepreneur.

What are Your expectations for the training course?

I generally prefer not to have any expectation before leaving for a new experience because I think it’s the best way to live it. However, in this case I think I can say that I’m expecting to gain specific knowledge and practical tools to apply and to meet new people I’ll keep in contact with at the end of this project. I’m also expecting to debate with motivated participants who are really interested in the topic of this project and willing to share their experiences. 

What superpower would You like to have?
Ubiquity (I hate having so many passions to pursue and so little time to spend doing what I love doing).

Life motto:
“Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody” (Kid President)

For more information about the project, please click here: dorea.org/project/first-step.10.html  or www.facebook.com/dorea.org



2015 m. spalio 28 d., trečiadienis

Project partners: NCDIEL (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)


The National Centre for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning (NCDIEL) was established in 2009 as a non-governmental, non-for-profit organization. The Centre is also based on recommendations from the project “South-East European Co-operation of Innovation and Finance Agencies 2009-2012”. The SEE-IFA Network aims at strengthening capacity for effective provision of innovation, technology and financial support to micro, small and medium sized companies.

NCDIEL is supported by the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Education and Science of Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the three biggest chambers, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, the Centre for Research, Development and Continuous Education, Bureau for Development of Education. It is also supported by the Roma youth NGO, the Roma Resource Centre, the Regional South-east European Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning and by the students’ organizations ESTIEM, BEST and AIESEC.

For more information about the organization, click here: www.ncdiel.mk/IndexEn.asp


Angela Relovska

Age: 22

Country: FYROM

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
Because of my interest in Entrepreneurship. I would like to get to know more about this topic and to learn something new from the experience of other participants.

What are Your expectations for the training course?
Nice working atmosphere, new friendships, useful knowledge and lot of fun.

What superpower would You like to have?

Life motto:
You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream!

Makedonka Fileva

Age: 23

Country: FYROM

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
To be young, educated and unemployed has been really bad experience for me. I think that this training will help me to decide my next steps in life and share my problems and experience with other young people from Europe.

What are Your expectations for the training course?
My opinion is that the big changes are made by a small steps. I expect that this training will be a new experience for me and it will be one more step to a big change.

What superpower would You like to have?

Life motto:
Every new experience it is important, no matter is it good or bad.

Pane Stefanov

Age: 24

Country: FYROM

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
I’ve always been a strong communicator and people person. I would like to develop my communication skills, meet new people as well as I think that this project is important for me because it will increase my knowledge how to make the first step in further work field.

What are Your expectations for the training course?
I expect that this training will teach me on how to work with other people in group. I believe that this training will be great help to me personally in the area of extending my knowledge for starting my own business as well as how to promote and how to start my work internationally.

What superpower would You like to have?

Life motto:
You make a living by what you get, you make a life by what you give.

Simona Trendafilova

Age: 24

Country: FYROM

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
I am always ready to learn something new to me. I want to be part of this project because for me entrepreneurship is not something you may learn it and know it, there are always new challenges that have to be learned and incorporated in your business. Not like in the past, now is easier to be competitive with others than ever before: with social media platforms today, an entrepreneur can tune a product, build a brand, and grow the business with very low cost and a high interactivity never before possible. I would be very thankfull if I had the opportunity to share my knowledge with other participants and also learn somethning new from them.       

What are Your expectations for the training course?
As an attendee I expect to learn valuable business skills, such asusing financial statements to make profitable decisions for the company, developing own sales technique that feels comfortable and effectively sells product or service, designing and implementing a marketing strategy that generates and sustain growth, taking control and becoming proactive. Also I expect improvement of my personal effectiveness, like strengthening my leadership ability, becoming a master of time rather than its victim, getting organized and staying organized, learn to work on my business, not in my business.

What superpower would You like to have?
For me the superpower is becoming profitable while fulfilling your dream.

Life motto:
Follow your dreams. Work hard.

For more information about the project, please click here: dorea.org/project/first-step.10.html  or www.facebook.com/dorea.org

Project partners: ANEC NAVARRA (Spain)


The Association of Consulting Firms of Navarre (ANEC) is a non-profit organization that represents and defends the interests of the consulting industry and its partners in Navarre. Its aim is to promote and develop the brand image of consulting, protecting member’s interests and promoting professionalism, ethics and quality. Despite being a young association, ANEC is sought to be recognized as the leading institution in the representation of consulting firms, seeking to defend with greater authority and solvency their interests in Navarre.

ANEC was born at the end of 2007; the idea of creating an association of this type was originally suggested by three native consulting firms. ANEC seeks to promote and develop the image of consulting, promoting and protecting members’ interests and promoting standards of professionalism, ethics and quality.

For more information about the organization, click here: www.anec.es


Itsaso Ciriza

Age: 23

Country: Spain

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
After finishing my teaching career, I would like to continue to receive training on how to help and guide young people and adults to improve their professional potential and thus improve their working lives.

What are Your expectations for the training course?
I want to share experiences with other young workers from European countries, learn new working methods and create networks to improve our professional qualifications.

What superpower would You like to have?

Life motto:
“Life isn´t about finding yourself, is about creating yourself”

Iziar Urtasun

Age: 23

Country: Spain

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
Having the chance of being a part of this project, which makes an important approach to a current European problem - youth unemployment–, is a big opportunity both for trainers and young entrepreneurs. I think it would be just great to be able to inspire young people on entrepreneurship and I am willing to it!

What are Your expectations for the training course?
Learn about entrepreneurship skills and make new connections.

What superpower would You like to have?
Ability to fly!

Life motto:
“Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve”

For more information about the project, please click here: dorea.org/project/first-step.10.html or www.facebook.com/dorea.org

Project partners: MILLENIUM (Republic of Moldova)


“MilleniuM” Training and Development Institute is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the research, training, and advancement of personal development, organizational development, community development, and partnership development within the NGO community and which is implemented through a variety of projects focusing on contemporary social issues. Our organization strives to contribute to organizational and community development by transforming the concepts of collaboration and partnership within the NGO community in Moldova and abroad.

For more information about the organization, click here: www.millenium.md


Lungu Adelina

Age: 38

Country: Republic of Moldova

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
I would like to improve my skills in order to make first steps in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and get the practical tools to transform ideas into a strong business project and forwarding this knowledge to young people through non-formal education.

What are Your expectations for the training course?
To enhance the capacity to become an entrepreneur, and also to encourage participants expand their businesses to the next level, to exchange the methods, technics and to apply them in local communities in Republic of Moldova.

What superpower would You like to have?

Life motto:
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

Munteanu Alina

Age: 21

Country: Republic of Moldova

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
I decided to participate in this project because I want to gain experience and to learn new things. This is wonderful possibility to know new people and to visit beautiful country.

What are Your expectations for the training course?
My expectations for this course is gain more knowledge about entrepreneurship as well as have great time with all participants.

What superpower would You like to have?
To be forever young.

Life motto:
If you don’t live in present, - you don’t live at all!

Veronica  Țîmbalari

Age: 40

Country: Republic of Moldova

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
It would be a great opportunity for me to participate in this project, to learn more about  social entrepreneurship, new ideas, new methods of implementing, the benefits. What can be the difficulties encountered while starting a small social business.
Another great opportunity will be exchange of experience with other participants, know how, creating a net etc.

What are Your expectations for the training course?
I expect the training course to be interactive, with many practical things, work in groups, generating new ideas, non-formal communication and learning.

What superpower would You like to have?
I would like to transform Moldova into a small Switzerland and live here.

Life motto:
What is this life, if full of care
We have no time to stand and stare?

For more information about the project, please click here: dorea.org/project/first-step.10.html  or www.facebook.com/dorea.org

Project partners: LIGO LEX LEGIS (Kosovo)


Ligo Lex Legis is organization, which is active from 2008. We are mainly focus on youngsters and activities for them. We have organized different activities until now, mainly in youth exchanges and YiA prgogramme. Locally we are very much involved in activities only in voluntary basis.

For more information about the organization, click here: https://www.facebook.com/LIGO-LEX-LEGIS-618061801648461/?fref=ts


 Egzona Kurtishi

Age: 21

Country: Kosovo

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
I’m a social person who wants to meet new people and explore new things as well as improve my knowledge about entrepreneurship.

What are Your expectations for the training course?
My daddy runs a restaurant and I do have basic knowledge about that so maybe in the future it will be in my hands and I want to learn more about managing small business but in a professional way so I hope this will be so helpful for me.

What superpower would You like to have?

Life motto:
Be good and good will come to you.

Elda Domi

Age: 20

Country: Kosovo

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
I decided to participate in this project, because I’m was always interested in Entrepreneurship field. So I hope in this training we will be able to exchange experience, learn new things about SME.

What are Your expectations for the training course?
     ·   To learn how to write and present a business plan.
     ·   To hear good ideas/purposes and processes for businesses.
     ·    To understand what does it really take to achieve entrepreneurial success.

What superpower would You like to have?
Knowledge and skillfulness

Life motto:
If you are determined to succeed, you will succeed!

Mikel Markaj

Age: 20

Country: Kosovo

Why have You decided to participate in this project?
I see this as a good opportunity to meet new people, share experiences, create networking, develop my communication skills and expend my knowledge about entrepreneurship.

What are Your expectations for the training course?
 I expect to learn more about entrepreneurship, but this time in a professional way and I hope that this could help me to manage small businesses, for the beginning.

What superpower would You like to have?
 To be able to fly.

Life motto:
I've come from nowhere, and I'm not shy to go back.

For more information about the project, please click here: dorea.org/project/first-step.10.html or www.facebook.com/dorea.org